Where is CFA?
CFA is located in Ingledene State Forest just south of Tharwa. There are two ways of getting to CFA. Both take around the same amount of time, however the Naas Rd option involves a low-level river crossing that sometimes floods. These instructions show the Smiths Rd option.
Drive to Tharwa and head south on Naas road. Just after leaving the town you will cross a low-level bridge and see a model aircraft field on the right. Take the next left onto Smiths road. Follow Smiths road for several kilometres (the road has both paved and dirt sections). Turn right onto Sunshine road. Drive up and over the hill. Look for a gate on the right with the CFA logo. Follow the signs from that point.

How do I get in touch?
The primary contact method is via email to prescfacanberra@gmail.com.
If it is urgent you may also call our President Lloyd on 0418692601.
How often do you meet?
We try to hold two club shoots per month.
What type of shoots do you hold?
CFA currently run ABA (vinyl animal targets) and 3D (rubber animals).
We are also looking to build a new IFAA range in the future.
What can I expect at a club shoot?
A typical club shoot day would begin with registration of attendance, payment of shoot fees, course setup and a bit of time on the practice range before we start off. As it takes much more effort to deploy and retrieve the 3D animals than it does with the vinyl targets we only shoot 3D when we have lots of people to help. Both ABA and 3D shoots are similar in structure. there is a morning round (20 targets) where you can shoot up to three arrows per target. Then a quick lunch break followed by the 1-arrow round where (you guessed it) you go around again but only get one arrow per target.
In the past we used to open the gates at 8:30 and start shooting by 9:30. over the past 6 months we have been trialling a later time of 9:30 gates open and 10:00 start to see if people prefer that instead.
What are the costs?
CFA has a two tier structure to our costs. The first is the Annual Membership fee comprising a one-off payment covering the financial year (July to June). The annual fee covers leasing costs, consumables such as score sheets, pens, toilet paper, cleaning products, equipment maintenance, and rubbish removal etc. The second is a Shoot Fee that covers the cost of replacing the vinyl and 3D targets we consume throughout the year.
Standard CFA 1-Year Membership Fees are:
– Adult $50
– Family $80
– Juniors $30
There is also a pro-rata cost scale for those who join throughout the year which is shown on the Membership Renewal form.
Shoot Fees are:
3D Shoots Member Visitor
Adult $15 $20
Family $25 $30
Junior $10 $15
ABA & Hunter Shoots Member Visitor
Adult $10 $15
Family $20 $25
Junior $5 $10
Do I need my own gear?
No. CFA has a range of adult and junior recurve bows, arrows, gloves, arm guards and quivers for visitors to hire. If you do have your own archery equipment please bring it along. There are no restrictions with regard to bow type and minimum or maximum poundage, however we only shoot vertical bows, crossbows are not allowed. When you first arrive your bow, arrows and other equipment will be checked to see that they are in reasonable condition for your own safety and that of everyone else. Don’t worry if you haven’t done any shooting before – it is often best to start with basic equipment and consider upgrading when you have a bit more experience. If you continue on in the sport you can be graded for a particular category depending on the type of bow you shoot – recurve, compound, traditional (long bow) and the type of equipment you use in conjunction with your bow – e.g. sights, stabilisers and release aids.
Do I need to join CFA straight away?
No. Our insurance model allows new starters to attend up to three times as visitors before deciding if they want to join. You will however need to pay the standard shoot fee for the days you attend.
What is the ABA, and why do I need to join ABA?
Capital Field Archers is affiliated with the Australian Bowhunters Association Ltd. (ABA), so it is a condition of our membership that you also join ABA. Affiliation with ABA provides the club and our members with public liability insurance cover and many other benefits including our rules of shoot and the bowhunter proficiency course (BPC) accreditation if you are interested in bowhunting. ABA is an Approved Hunting Organisation (AHO). If you intend to apply for a NSW R-Licence (so you can hunt on public land in NSW State Forests) you must first be a member of an AHO. ABA also provides a national structure, policies and procedures for field archery at affiliated clubs. Under the ABA, individual clubs are grouped into branches, usually by state or region. As NSW has so many clubs the state is broken into two branches. Northern NSW clubs belong to Branch E. Southern NSW clubs (including CFA) are in Branch F. Each branch is managed by a committee which is formed by representatives from each of the clubs within the Branch. The Branch Committee manages funding distribution, branch-level policy and procedures, and sets the branch shoot calendar. Similarly, the National Executive committee is formed from representatives from individual clubs, and performs similar duties to Branch Committees, just at a National level. Membership to ABA also provides the opportunity to compete in ABA Branch, State and National competitions. These are a great way to get competition experience, to shoot at other locations and to meet competitors from other areas. If you are really keen there are also international events that you can attend.
What should I wear / bring?
When shooting please ensure you are comfortably attired and dress for the environment. Its a lot like bushwalking, so covered shoes and long pants are recommended as these offer some protection from vegetation and other hazards. In warmer weather a hat can be a good idea and apply sunscreen if you need to. Try to wear clothing that allows enough freedom of movement to draw your bow and release your arrow without interference.
Make sure your archery equipment is properly suited to you. If you need assistance in setting up a bow then please ask for help. There are a number of accredited coaches in the club who can check your form or offer advice. In particular make sure you can comfortably draw your bow in line with the target and can let down if you need to. This applies to all types of bows. For compound bow archers, it is important that the bow is properly adjusted to your draw length and draw weight. Modern compound bows are very efficient so backing off a few pounds in draw weight for a more comfortable draw cycle and less muscle fatigue may not lose you too much in arrow speed. Arrows should be periodically checked as well, especially if you or your group have shot a number of arrows in close proximity to one another.
The club ranges are accessible by members of the public, and although warning signs are in place it is possible someone could wander into the course, deliberately or otherwise, putting themselves in danger. If this occurs please stand down from shooting until it is safe to resume. If appropriate, warn other groups on the course and the shoot director if need be. If approached by a member of the public please remain polite and inform them that they are on an archery range. Most reasonable people will move on once informed but if this is not the case discontinue the round and inform the shoot director.
When searching for lost arrows please ensure that it is clear to any following group that you are doing so. Leave your bow or some equipment at the target butt to indicate that you are still in the target zone. If you can’t find your arrow(s) in a reasonable time return to search at the completion of the round when all groups are off the course. It is a good idea to carry enough arrows with you to complete a twenty target round. Even shots on target can be damaged by another arrow and contact with trees, rocks and the ground can break arrows.
We are not permitted to hunt or shoot feral pests or game at this location. On the course they have the same status as native wildlife so please let them move on and only resume target shooting when it is safe to do so.
Please show courtesy and respect at all times to fellow competitors. Ours is a sport for all genders and ages so it is important everyone has an enjoyable time competing to the best of their ability. Respect the shoot rules and share the shoot tasks of scoring and pulling arrows if you can assist.